Radios programming cable

New product

NC-PC is a special cable designed for programming  NAVCOMM radios. The cable has a built-in USB controller and plug adapted to the respective model radio . NC-PC also comes with a set of drivers for Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10)

154 Items

79,00 zł
tax incl.

Shipment: finished products 2-3 business days, non-prefabricated products - up to 15 business days.

Product Options
How to choose a right plug type
A detailed description of all offered by us connectors contains a file Connectors.pdf.pdf
GA standard plugs (PJ, ZS, S1, Y2, U174/U) are offered with a aviation preamp.
K (Kenwood)
Y1 (Yaesu)
Y4 (NC-33M)
[ + 16,26 zł]
Y3 (Icome A5/A23)

Data sheet

Connector type A detailed description of the plugs has an attachment positioned below



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Radios programming cable

Radios programming cable

NC-PC is a special cable designed for programming  NAVCOMM radios. The cable has a built-in USB controller and plug adapted to the respective model radio . NC-PC also comes with a set of drivers for Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10)


30 other products in the same category:



Connectors types description

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